Thursday, November 30, 2006


“Mark ye well their manner, for it is quiet and assumeth not. It is in peaceful tones they speak and oft seem abstracted. Seeming to prefer the company of Beastes, they converse with them as equals. They dwell in lonely places, there better (as they say) to know the voices of the Wind and hear the secrets of Nature. Possessing the Wysdome of the fields and forests, they do harm and heal with their harvests. They concerne themselves not with idle chatter or fashion, nor do worldly goods hold worth for them. Be not confused as to think that only Woman-kynd harboureth the gifte in this matter. Of Men there bee many that hold mickle (much) power."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Work kicked my ass today...

Man! My job was just too fricken' hard today. I was rushed, pushed to the limit and frayed at the edges. It gets like this now and then; when I want to just call in sick. Too bad I can't lie without remorse. Every now and then, I am sure that would be a very useful talent.

I want to practice in the kitchen on Thursday. I will work a spell- one for peace. Peace in my heart, peace in my home, peace in my life. I feel a restlessness and an uneasiness that I can not identify.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

...from an old email this summer to a friend...

I am excited about canning my tomatoes, green beans, salsa, soup and freezing my own zucchini! I have had a fresh cucumber everyday and the collards are ready for a second picking. I love collards. This food thing is still a very consuming passion of mine. Why is that? It must be more of the women's history thing. Our providing not only food but the production and preservation of food is our history. We are so connected.

Maybe this connection to history is one of the reasons I have never really considered myself "New Age". New Agers really don't connect with history; not in a gender sense. The New Age is all spiritual and genderless. But really, when our spirit chooses a gender- is it not for that gender's experience? So why wouldn't I want to connect with the experiences that pertain to that gender? If my spirit had chosen a male gender for this journey; I would be learning completely different lessons.

The whole label thing should be resisted but also embraced at the same time. While I don't walk around putting labels on people, I know that others will innocently "call" some one or some group some thing. It is fruitless to become upset- it happens and it will happen and that's that. So, if I must claim a name, or a group, or a belief (shudder) I would label myself "All Age".

Wicca, Pagan, metaphysics, new age, agnostic... it's all in the All Age. And it's all good.

Wicca, for me...

"I am thinking of incorporating wicca due to the fact that intentions can be more concrete through ritual and imagination"

This is a great way to verbalize the "intention" of wicca. I enjoy the ritual and joy celebrating a "goddess" deity or the "green man" of celtic history.

My friend Dori stated once, "Wicca connects me to my femine history. The cauldron, the blessing of gardens and home... wicca is a "woman's history". A connection with the femine energy form ceturies ago..." With that one statement, I thought "ahh ha..."

Imaginiation isn't only for children. Vision and invisioning intentions are powerful tools. Not to be trite with the comparison but, think of Christmas.

When a child is very young and is "allowed" to believe in Santa, elves and the North Pole; Christmas is magic. The candy cane lanes and singing reindeer... all of it is a beautiful fantasy. It isn't just getting presents. But once a child is told there is no Santa, no elves and reindeer don't fly... it's all about the presents and how much they are going to (or not going to) get. Then we could throw the whole brainwashing Jesus baby thing in there but hey, that's another discussion.

The magic is the tool for your intention. I love Mother and I connect with the blessings of nature. Wicca allows me the relaxed tools in which to practice those intentions.

There is no wrong way to "do" wicca. There is but one creed "Do what ye will but harm ye none". I think of how much blood has spilled in the name of "christ" and I think... wicca is evil? Man is confused.

Friday, November 24, 2006

I feel empty

This just keeps happening. Perhaps I need new meds. Better meds. No meds.

I feels empty, sad, lost. Darkness encloses me and I can't even tell you (or me) why? I just watched Return of the King, again. I must be completely nuts because I really could watch it again, right now. Over and over. I just want to get lost in Middle Earth.

Anywhere but here.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Behold, the Kitchen Witch

Yesterday was a kitchen witch day, full of pumpkin and slow cooked stews.

I baked and preserved 2 pie pumpkins. I also made a couple of pumpkin pies and a big potato and corn chowder. I love a day in the kitchen.

What I love more? A day of knitting in front of TLOR! That's all I have planned for today. I might do a load of laundry, but then again, I might not!

Today is mine!