Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cheap oil at what cost?

Drill Here, Drill Now... my ass!
Yes, I said it. Let the shit hit the fan and the chunks land where they may. Then compost it.
I just don't believe, for one moment, that we should rape what little land we have left for a very short term solution.
This is my blog, my soapbox, and I am standing on it. We need to seek ways to need oil less, not get oil cheaper. People just don't want to put the effort into changing. "How can I have my bananas, grapes and drive all by myself where ever I want to go?"
This sounds cynical. In fact, it sounds so cynical, it's a turn off and for that, I am sorry. I will try to make my point here without coming off as a bitch.
I hate paying this much at the pump, too. I drive to work and my husband drives to work. We have an old V8 truck that is not good on gas. But this is bigger than us and not all about me.
Instead of scrambling around, trying to find more cheap oil, don't we need to commit to find alternatives? Not just alternative fuels but alternative lifestyles?
My friend Kristi and I just had this conversation last week... the general collective will only change when they are forced to change. Very few take it upon themselves to shift before necessity demands change.
Being angry, blaming others and hoping for a fresh batch of oil at the end of the rainbow isn't a solution. It's procrastination.
Tomorrow, I will drive 17 miles to work, then 17 miles home. At $4.29 a gallon (in my area) and at approx. 23 miles to a gallon in my 1996 minivan, I estimate that I will spend nearly $8.00 for one round trip to my job. Yes, that sucks. But not enough for me to condone more drilling.
It's comparative to my inner dialog concerning buying a new, fuel efficient vehicle. Will I save money at the pump only to turn around and spend it on a new car payment, interest, and increased insurance rates? No... my solution is to drive as little as possible, grow more food, turn off more lights and spend less where ever possible. My sense of entitlement is something I try to pay close attention to, keep in check, and under control.
I have clean, running water in my house. That's a luxury for most of the world's population. Each day, I try to find something I do have instead of what I don't have... it makes it a bit easier. The future is scary but having hope (instead of anger) makes me brave.
Courage and information is empowering. Pass it on.